japhyjunket |
Ah, Labor Day Weekend, that joyous time we all celebrate and remember the agony our mothers wen't through bringing us into the world. How am I celebrating this joyous time, you ask? Why, reformatting my computer, of course! As I type this, I'm about to finish downloading the last ATPI driver, after which, I will install, install, install like it's 1999!
Okay, it's a shitty day out, what do you expect? On the positive side, there's something sexxy about a freshly formatted computer... all those blank allocations, unfragmented sectors. Purrr-meow.
My download is now 69% done. Honestly, that's what it said.
So, it's official. I am a college student again. NYU, my once-and-never alma mater is but a dark, deep, bleeding purple memory of pain, money and entitlement. Long live Brooklyn College! Rated the "Most Beautiful Campus" in the country by the Princeton Review (as opposed to NYU, which rated #4 in "Reefer Madness"...really, not that bitter), I can say after my first day of classes on Fridaqy, that I think I'm going to like it here.
I'm probably going to wind up with aBFA in Creative Writing and it turns out I already have met the requirements for a minor in theatre. This, of course, makes me sound like a perfect candidate for High School Drama Teacher, which is not a bad thing, but, for all you Japhynauts out there, know is really not my thang.
That said, a BFA in Creative Writing with a double Major in Film/Fine Arts and a minors in TV/Radio Broadcasting and Theatre (the original plan) would, not suprisingly, take me until I'm thirty.
Okay, phone call. Must talk to real people.
Read more! (in beta) 8.09.2002
Okay, Krystof Kieslowski's Blue, White, Red Trilogy is playing as a triple feature this Sunday at Symphony Space for nine bux. That's right, three amazing films, nine bux. I'm so going. Anyone wanna join? Juliet Binoche. Do I need to entice you any further?BTW- I'm thinking of going to the 7pm one.
Read more! (in beta) 8.07.2002
In other news...
Japhy Junket's Summer of Frivolity will be coming to an end soon. Expect all new features and at least a half-hearted attempt at real solid content.
Read more! (in beta) Random thought:
What should be built on the WTC site should not be an exact copy of what stood before nor should it be the random smattering of buildings that the LMDC and Port Authority concepts propose. The World Trade Center should be rebuilt, but like us it must be rebuilt as a changed thing. The desire to build something reminiscent of what stood before, but smaller, more human is understandable, but the World Trade Center was not simply damaged, it was destroyed. It was rudely wiped out of existence, but because of it's death it has transcended mortar, steel and location and is now a place that all of humanity inhabits. Our hearts and minds live within those towers the world over. What is rebulit in downtown Manhattan must be like a lightning rod, drawing in the spiritual energy displaced by the devastation of September 11th. I want to see the World Trade Center rise again, like a child you thought once lost, returning home now a man. How we have all changed so very much in such a short period of time, and yet, our souls remain unchanged. So must it be with the World Trade Center to come.
Read more! (in beta)
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