japhyjunket |
Gone Fishing
Note: Japhyjunket will remain closed through this week. Partly because I have just moved into new digs and am surrounded by IKEA that demands assembling. Also, I am rethinking japhyjunket a bit and trying to decide on a more focused direction for it to take. I'd like to thank Mr. P. and Mr. B. for all their help this weekend. Moving, according to Mr. B.'s sources is, next to death, the most stressfull thing a person can endure. Thanks to these fine lads, my move was quite a bit less stressful. Expect a housewarming party soon!
Read more! (in beta) 10.16.2002
Did I mention what a terrible blogger I am?
Alright folks, I have a ton of stuff to post, BUT, I'm in the process of moving. I just got the keys yesterday and will be busy busy busy through the next week or so. Until then, no bloggie. I promise I will make it up to you with a fantastic road-trip adventure story, due on the blog before Haloween, but until then, here's a little snackie to tide you over. Yes, that's right! It's The Japhy Quiz!
Till then: Gone Fishing.
Read more! (in beta) 10.02.2002
I am a terrible blogger.
After this past weekend's fantastic Murakami-Fest, I've had multiple opportunities to plug the fantastic blogs of the people I met, but did I? Nooooo. Why? Because I am a terrible blogger. I shall make up for it now.
Three Blogs of note:
Daniel-San: Daniel is at Harvard, so we know he's smart. He also has Jay Rubin, Murakami translator as a professer. If you think synthesizing ancient Japanese literature and modern day blogging is cool, you'll love Daniel's site. It's also pretty damn cool if you like hit Fox show 24, as well.
Betsy-San: Betsy is great. First off, she has a great name. We all agree that Betsy is a great name, right? Her blog's signature feature is a review of New York's tea houses. Betsy is geeky about tea the way 14 year old boys are geeky about Dragonball Z. Besty needs to invite me out to tea again soon.
Jen-San: You know Jen as "The-Girl-Who's-Name-I-Forget-But-Reminds-Me-of-An-Old-Friend-Named-Celena". Her blog is the most blog like of the three here, actuaklly detailing the day by day stuff she does. Fortunately for you, her life is mui interesting. She goes to screenings, she likes Beck, Alan Cumming and goes to lectures by The Nation correspondents. She is also just completely amazed by green tea. Don't believe me? Look at the Murakami pictures below.
Read more! (in beta)
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