japhyjunket |
Theoretically, it's supposed to hit 68 again here in New York today. If I had known that global warming had such wonderful benefits, I would have thrown a lot more styrofoam cups in the fire back at Boy Scout camp when I was a kid. Speaking of the environment, have you been accosted by the Floating Head of Cameron Diaz's Conscience aka Max Headroom's girlfriend yet? You can check her out at Kazaa's site. Apparantley, cyber-Cameron, wants us to e-mail the evil auto manufacturer's and tell them to stop creating gas guzzlers. Seeing as how I really only use public tranportation and also inspired by the shear weirdness of being talked to by a virtual celebrity, I signed up.
On other fronts, I missed the State of the Union, snoozefest that it is (was too busy watching a Blind Date re-run), and waited to hear the soundbytes on CNN. My final impression is that we had BETTER be going to war all over the planet. Calling Iraq,Iran and North Korea an 'axis of evil' is not something you should do lightly. Them's fighting words. Now, I'll admit I'm feeling a little hawkish myself lately, what with America kicking ass all over the desert, but unless Dubyah is serious about taking on this 'axis' then I'm afraid we've returned to the days of Mr. Bush Jr. looking a wee bit in over his head. He's been doing so great lately that we're all amazed, but perhaps Cheney shouldn't be letting him stay up so late after his bedtime after all...
My own personal axis of evil; Poverty, Underemployment and Horrible Housing Situation hasn't really gotten me down as much as it should. I've quit smoking, am working out and have a ton of new projects that I'm working on...or at least writing notes about. I'll be sure to keep you updated of any new developments. As you may have noticed, my website is down for the count. So for now, this tawdry La Dolce Musto rip-off will have to suffice.
Speaking of which, avid readers of the Village Voice (ie: poor college students) may have noticed that Mr. Musto has a hard-on for The Dell Boy. I hate The Dell Boy. His real name is Ben, and he's an NYU student (or should I say STUDent, Michael?) who's a friend of a friend of mine in about five different ways. Why does he irritate me so much, you ask? Imagine if you marginally knew an irritating television personality? Think Carrot Top, think Stephen Baldwin. It's practically an axis of evil! Alright, alright, I loathe the Dell boy because he's famous and I'm not. There, I said it!
God help him though, if a few weeks from now I see a Virtual Dell Boy show up on my screen, goofing his little stoner grin and saying 'Duuuuuuuuuude, you've got to get a Dell'.
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