japhyjunket |
The NY Times has posted an amazing series of articles and interactive features today dealing with accounts of what happened inside the World Trade Center. Included are transcripts of phone calls made from the towers as well as an interactive flash movie that goes in depth, showing the individual stories of people as they tried to escape.
One of the things that has really bothered me about the world reaction is that while we have lionized the FDNY and the NYPD, the vast majority of the victims, just everyday people doing their jobs, have been ignored. I understand it is easier to accept the death of a hero than to accept the death of an innocent, but that is no excuse for not honoring their memories just as highly as those of their would-be-rescuers. The power of the Times feature is that it gives voice to the vast majority of the victims, those people who were just begining their day, bleary-eyed, coffee in hand, on a perfect September morning.
This is really first class journalism and a great example of how the web can be a powerful communicative medium. Kudos to the NY Times. Check it out.
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