
All week I've been getting progessively sicker and sicker- what started off as a nice little cold then led to me losing my voice and the whole sad affair finally climaxed last evening at 5am in the morning, with me unable to sleep, my eyes red and wet with tears, my nose running like a legitimate actor from an MTV movie deal and my throat closing up to the point I felt like I was choking, with only my puppy and the roomates cat keeping me company. Cute little kitty. You're always there for me when I'm at my snot-nosed worst. ...wait a second. That's right. I'm allergic to the cat. DEATHLY allergic to this cat. I, who have never had an allergic reaction in my life, naturally thought I had consumption, but it turns out that even cute little kitties can cause an intense amount of pain. For all two of you concerned about my welfare (Hi Mom & Dad!) I'm still alive and begining to feel much better and we're cleaning out the apartment tommorow. Special thanks to The Mexican for taking me in at six in the morning. For the rest of you, who could care less: Because you can never go wrong with a photo of Alan Rickman.

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