
Andy Hick has a blog. (yes, Andy Hicks, my High School Rival) In his latest entry, Andy says bad things about New York (yet again), even though he is considering moving to Staten Island....which he thinks is part of New York, which really goes to the heart of the matter: That the only thing Andy Hicks will ever be right about is that Vanilla Coke is great. He's also linked my blog under the title 'That snooty little nyc boi's blog'. What is he? A 19 year old gay man? Who spells it 'boi' anymore. Honestly. Also, if you go and actually read his blog, I'll let you in on a secret. It's me who doesn't like recieving stupid 'What's your favorite flavor of Jesus?' questionaires by email. I actually kinda hope Andy moves to New York. With the exception of briefly trying to set up Dee St.Onge with Cuba Gooding Jr. and Linda Evers coming to Manhattan with eighty dollars and a dream, I've been Westfordless here in NYC. Come to New York little penguin: we can make our rivalry into a cabaret act!

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