
Penguin Check: As you all know my high school rival, Andy Hicks has a blog. Occasionally, I mention his blog in passing. Usually, like thus: Andy 'The Angsty Penguin' Hicks today declared in a satirical entry on World Cup Soccer that September 11th was a 'bizzare international hazing incident'. It is implied in the article that the the destruction of the World Trade Center, the attack on the Pentagon and four hijacked airliners crashing into various things is the global equivelent of a 'wedgie'. Now, I know he meant it all in good fun. His message was not 'What a trifle the loss of six thousand lives is', but rather 'Aint' soccer funny?' and I'm certainly not one to chide for political correctness, however- C'mon!?! WHAT. THE . FUCK?!?! Is our vision SO myopic that we can make offhanded comments like that already? It's one thing to use humour to deal with the events of 9/11. I, for one, don't mind jokes about 9/11 widows or the 'If we don't do the terrorists have already won' type smarminess- there is a degree of catharsis in finding laughter in tragedy, but when tragedy beomes so mundane as to be used for a pun in a SOCCER article. I'm pissed. I don't care if I sound self-righteous. I'm pissed.

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