japhyjunket |
Today I'm kinda proud of myself. How come, you ask? Well, I had a very productive day. I filed much paperwork at my new alma mater (I pray), Brooklyn College. I scheduled a photo shot, worked with some of my oh-so-charming clients and on the whole was awfully productive today. However none of these things really fill me with much pride. What makes me happy about me this day are:
- Having finally figured out a good archiving system for all my artsy shit (before they all went in a folder labeled...artsy shit). I'm even investing in a portfolio.
- I started work on a short story that I'm kind of fond of. It's about a hateful lesbian I once knew.
- After years of not getting L.J's taste in music, I suddenly find myself all about southern booty music. Well, really, just Mystikal, but still. (L.J's my former roomie and all 'round badass livin' in the Big Easy)
- I am running out of Haruki Murakami novels to read. In fact, I started my last one, "Dance, Dance, Dance" today. I have to get Jill to start translating more of them for me.
- After looking over my months of blogs, not a one of them has ever sunk into the world of insipid moralizing or pseudo-profoundness that other blogs are so want to do...although I am guilty of one (and now forever more, only one) pithy self-affirmation entry.
Tommorow- I'm off to David LaChapelle's new gallery opening...and I'm actually invited, as opposed to crashing all the other gallery opening I've attended.
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