
China Loves Japhy! As many of you already know, China has recently upped it's net censoring measures, blocking Chinese citizens from thousands of sites across the net. Not only is it the dissident website critical of China's regime that's being blocked, major sites like Google and AltaVista are persona non grata if you try to access them from inside the Red giant. None of this matters, however- since it appears that Japhyjunket is in the clear. Perhaps the censors love my hard-hitting theatre reviews or have laughed at one of my charming roman-a-clef's about my family, perhaps it's because they know the Chinese people have come to depend on me to provide them their daily (mostly) dose of Japhyness. Whatever it is, it's definitely not because only like, three people read this blog, and I am honored that the Chinese government has found my blog worthy. To celebrate this glorious turn of events, I've composed some brief words: Jiang Zemin when will your people be free? What Dynasty are you waiting for to teach you that shooting your people arresting the Falun Gong is no way to Enlightenment? If you'd like to see if your site is being blocked by China, click here.

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