Haruki's Wild New York Adventure

This past Saturday it happened. Haruki Murikami, author of
The Wind up Bird Chronicle and
Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World was due to arrive at the Union Square Barnes & Noble, to sign copies of his new book,
After the Quake. It was there we met. Betsy and I were both NYU Dramatic Writing ex-pats. We bonded over blogging and web design and of course, Haruki. Say his name. Haaaaaruuuki. So very pretty. Like Betsy's ears.
We were joined by Sammy, The-Girl-Who's-Name-I-Forget-But-Reminds-Me-of-An-Old-Friend-Named-Celena, and
Daniel, who had taken a bus from Harvard just for this occasion.
Haruki signed and signed so fast that the security gaurds, who had kept telling us we would not get our books signed looked upset. Haruki's female companions kept things moving, stamping each book with an original stamp of some design. But we were not to be satisfied.
We grabbed Haruki (he's quite small) and told him that he was coming with us for tea. He protested! We told him we would take him drinking afterwards and he relented. We stole the Trendy German-Made Cutesy Promo Car parked out front and made our way to a tea house where we stole all the teapots and the cute punky Japanese waitress who tried to serve us.
They're in the closet now: Haruki, looking sad, the waitress and the the tea.
Haruki occasionally asks for spaghetti or he'll turn to the waitress and compliment her ears.
Soon we will have tea. Soon we will.
btw- I'd just like to point out, that it's been almost 9 months since Japhyjunket came into this world and this is the FIRST time a picture of Yours Truly has appeared. I am so not vain. But I do look cute, no? :-)
posted by Japhy at 9/30/2002 10:42:00 AM
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