The Show Does Go On!
The Westford Academy Drama Club Seniors of the Class of 1997 as South Park characters. Created by yours truly with a little help from The South Park Character Creator. Can you guess which one is Japhy?
Should you happen to be in the Westford Massachusettes area today, this is the final day for you to catch the current Westford Academy Drama Club's production of
Godspell. I, unfortunately, can not make it and unfortunately won't be able to write a review of what will surely be a stirring production.
Here are some pictures of the students rehearsing the play. I do not know any of them, but like me, I'm sure if you've ever been in any high school drama club, you will recognize them. Scrolling throught the photos you will know at a glance the Pretty-Young-Thing-Who-Is-Sensitive-But-Knows-She-Has-Talent, the Guy-on-a-Sports-Team-But-Is-Acting-In-A-Musical-Because-He's-Dating-The-Pretty-Young-Thing, the Big-Girl-And-I-Mean-Big-Girl-Who-Is-So-Happy-To-Be-Singing-Her-Heart-Out and of course The-Gay-Boy-Who-All-The-Girls-Love.
I always liked drama club. It was fun and awfully moody and I suppose that's what it is supposed to be. It's not real theatre training at all, but it is real life training; not only teaching you to be part of a team in a different way then Varsity Football ever could, but also preparing you for the incredible ups and downs that inevitably come when you're the kind of person who likes to sing The Little Mermaid's 'A Part of That World' with their friends while dressing up in silly costumes.
So- here's to you good ole' Westford Academy Players: Break a leg!
posted by Japhy at 11/24/2002 01:17:00 AM
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