japhyjunket |
When I blog, I get wet.
Yee haw all, I's back! I know I dissapreared for far longer than I said I would, but there's good reasons! Honest! First, as I said- I moved. I will tell you all about my amazing neighborhood in the coming weeks. Moving is rough. Apparantley, next to dying, it's the most stressful thing you can do. So says The Mexican. Then, I got sick. Oh, I don't get sick often, but when I do- look out! I cry, I whimper and never do I just get sick in one way. No- every last part of my body wants in on it. As soon as the cough dissapears, I get laryngitis! When I can talk again it's because I now have a fever. So it goes.
Also, as some of you may have observed, it was Halloween. Which, for New Yorkers, is what Christmas is to everyone else. I was a Victorian Ocultist this year. I was then a drunk, smoking heavily Victorian Ocultist. Then I was just plain sick again.
And oh yeah- been looking for a job and going to school at The Most Beautiful Campus in America.
Which all goes why to explain, I haven't written- and I don't have anything to put up right now. Soon, I promise- I will fill you with tales of hot wet nasty bunnyhops up by the Old Lake, but all things come to those who wait. As an alternative, I reccomend www.daryllang.com Daryl's site is one of the best designed personal sites I have ever seen. It's clear concise and puts this site to shame.*
Daryl was part of my tiny elementery school gang back in Maryland. He now lives in Brooklyn and writes for Martha Stewart. He claims it's a good thing. Tommorow, we meet up for dinner. I'm looking forward to awkwardly catching up on the past decade or so! He writes really well and manages to avoid the pitfalls that blogging tempt lesser writers into. I won't name names, but you know who you are.
I'll be blogging again soon- I have my cable modem up at the new pad!
As an aside of sorts, a lot of you are artists of some irk or aspire to be (though I take issue with that, since nobody "hires" you to be an artist) and lately I've been getting to the place where I suddenly realize how I am just beginning. Up until now, I've been frustrated with a lack of instant fame or berating myself for not working enough, essentially caught up in the business of being an artist. Now, I'm twenty-three, and finally am at the point where I am no longer being someone else's artist, but being my own and I'm shocked by what an infant I am.
For instance, in my Sexy Victorian Poetry-Superstars Class (yes, that's what shows up on the transcript) we're reading Tenneyson's "In Memoriam A.H.H.", which is this really long poem about the loss of Tenneyson's close friend. He writes about memory and anniversarry's and the sorrow of no longer being sorrowful about his friend's death. I, as faithful japhyjunket readers know, recently took a stab at the elegaic poem and I've just re-read it having read Tenneyson and am invigorated. How is it that Tenneyson is able to more powerfully speak to the nature of loss and mourning about a man who, to me has been dead for two-hundred years, then I was able to speak of the fresh-hewn memory of those who I saw fall from the World Trade Center little more than a year ago? Makes me want to be a better writer.
Not sure whether I have a point or not- other than, do not judge yourself for today. Judge yourself by the ages.
PS- Apologies for the totally misleading title. It's amazing, no? Unfortunately, I really don't get wet when I blog. I do, however, get wet, but I'll leave it to you to figure out when.
*- As I've noted previously, japhyjunket is, and has always intended to be, an interim website. For those interested in such things- there will be a new website, it's being worked on now and yes, there will be dancing girls.
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