Advent: Eleventh
Note: This the eleventh part of a twenty-four part series running through December 24th. To read the previous installments in a convenient form, go here.
The plains of Oklahoma turns to dirt in the Texas panhandle. We wake up in Oklahoma City and by noon we are in Texas. We look at the map ahead and see there is nothing between The City of That Other Bombing and our final destination: Albuquerque, New Mexico. We had planned a week to get out west and will make it in five. This would be our final approach, one last giant slog through the country- we would drive and and drive and-
"Look! A Denny's!"
Again, we are the youngest travellers by decades. Where have all the young folks gone? Ah, well- more Eggs over My Hammy for us.
On the road all is quiet. On the road all is motion. On the road Daniel and I are together. On the road the Earth turns for us. On the road we are one. On the road we sing. On the road we know now there is an end.
The soil turns dark, autumn hues, fills with rock and scrub and the sky opens up for us, blue as blue. Daniel and I are the only things to mark the space between the red rock and the blue sky. He drops one hand to my side and I hold it and he holds mine. I turn to look at him and without turning from the road, a smile grows on his face.
posted by Japhy at 12/10/2002 09:00:00 PM
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