
The suspect refuses to lose that shit-eatin' grin, sir! Dude! You're getting a misdemeanor! Longtime Japhyjunket readers know that Ben Curtis and I have what you might call a history. Oh man, this news really just made my day! What news you ask? Oh- go look for yourself here. I'm too busy gloating. Actually, I kinda feel bad for Ben. I mean, arrested for buying pot on a street corner? He must be really down on his luck. I mean, c'mon- he went to NYU and doesn't know to use a delivery service? I refuse to believe that. Which can only mean that things are far worse than they seem in Dellville. Poor Ben Curtis. Poor *snicker* Ben *smirk* Curtis. Side note: Ben Curtis turned down a role on Law and Order in which he would play the victim's pot-smoking college roomate because he did not want to be "typecast". I think I need to grin again. Ah yes.

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