japhyjunket |
Excuses, Evil, Enmity & Emails
Well folks, ya may have noticed I've been incommunicado this past week and my only excuse is that life is what happens when you're not blogging. I'd like to say I was working on my short stories or the magazine or whatever, but the truth is, I've been so busy that the only spare moments I've had have been watching Buffy re-runs. Ah, Buffy- do you know that your nemesis, The First Evil, has a blog?
So- let's see--content. Whatever to write about? Well- as some of you may know, Madonna has a new video coming out in March. Titled The American Dream and directed by Jonas Akerlund, the video is an anti-war barrage that begins with couture fatigues and ends in blood, blood and more blood. Madge's new album comes out April 22nd, which means you can probably find it on Kazaa now.
It seems like everyone is weighing on the whole impending war issue and honestly, I say "meh". I think when push comes to shove, Europe will grumble to please its constituencies, but then go along. I mean, what's the worse case scenario? France and Germany sit back and get to feel morally superior. There's a lot of saber-rattling from all sides, so much so that I beginning to think that this war will never happen, not that I'm all gung-ho for it to happen, but it's been over a year since we first started talking about going into Iraq and we're still waiting. I think if Bush were really a war monger dead set on fighting no matter what, we would have already attacked. Rhetoric aside, the Bush administration has done an admirable job allowing the diplomatic process to play itself out. So, until I see Wolf Blitzer live from Baghdad (Note to Don Rumsfield: I'll call it Friendly Fire too if he happens to get hit) I'm not going to sit back and speculate on a war that, while a probability, is not inevitable. I've said it before and I'll say it again- The United States is an empire now, Americans need to get used to this new reality or else face losing all of our democratic freedoms by blindly imagining that we're part of a Republic that no longer exists. I'm sure Madonna's new video will make sense of it all.
Since I'm in an Andy Rooney-ish mood let me just say, "What's the deal with all those Valentine's Day emails my InBox is getting?" They've really hyped up in the past week or so- I've been told to buy candy, flowers, teddybears, sex toys, a Foreman Grill and antacid relief for my sweetie. Either that or I am admonished, "Don't have a Valentine? MEET SINGLES IN YOUR AREA!!!" over and over and over again. For the past three years, I got to view the whole Valentine's Day debacle from the relationship side of the fence and now that I'm back on the "I'm the One I Want" side, I have to admit, this holiday just sucks. Love isn't about flowers and candy and antacid (well---)- phooey!
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