
Japhydex- Your Personal Web Portal I will be updating a little less frequently in the next few weeks as I get Japhygrant.com up to its new and expanded form. In the meantime, check out the annotated Japhydex- essentially a listing of sites that I like and are relevant. Happy surfing! Web Design Toolbox Jeffrey Zeldman Presents - Blog with tons of useful information on all things web designish. Friday Five - Five new questions to answer on your blog each Friday. Save yourself from coming up with new content. Computer Arts Online - UK-based site with loads of information and tutorials for web, digital imaging and animation. Webmonkey - Tutorials and guides to making your site better than mine. CNet - The hardware and software review site. The Media BBC - Not just Fawlty Towers. China Daily - English news from China. Jerusalem Post - Biased MidEast News. The Atlantic - Lefty in-depth analysis. Japan Times - English news with a tendency towards weird humour. New York Times - The Grey Lady of Journalism. The New Yorker - Oh so very urbane. Arts & Letters Daily - Arts news and reviews from world-wide sources all in one place. The Moscow Times - English news from democratic Muscovy. Alternative Press Blogcritics - Snooty group of bloggers throw in their two cents on the latest music, books and video. NYC IndyMedia Center- Community based participatory news. Salon - THE independent news site. Crappy new subscription policy. The Village Voice - 10 pages of hard hitting journalism, 30 pages of trendy fluff and 100 pages of sex ads. On the Rail - News for foodies. The Whole Earth Magazine - Crunchie granola lovin'. Musicbox The Modern Age- photos, concert reviews and coverage of NYC's indie rock scene. Nominated for a Bloggie! The Art of The Mix - A site dedicated to dedicated mix tape and cd enthusiasts. Make your own concept albulm! The Posse Sushiporn Daniel-san Flying Vicar Musings So Much Modern Time The Modern Age Daryl Lang Hottest Chick Ever Matthew Barela Peter Rosa Subversive penguin and the arizona asphault Kristin Schubert Who I Read Andrew Sullivan - Everyone loves a histrionic gay conservative. Sir Ian McKellen - But not as much as they love Gandalf. Mark Simpson - Coined the term "metrosexual". Little. Yellow. Different. -I promise there will be some straight people on this list. Honest. Neil Gaiman - Creator of The Sandman and all around mythopoetic expert. Also married. To a woman. See! How to Be Hip - While not answering the question, leads by example. Katherine Hall - Katie linked to me, I don't why, but her blog is pretty cool. Trabaca - An NYU student in Paris. Greg.org - About making movies, making art- great site for filmmakers. Zaccan's Xanga Site - Live from Japan- a friend of Jill. NYU Web Log Portal - Doesn't seem to be updated, but a good smattering of NYU student blogs to be found. Agent #1 - Pretty, witty and yeah, that other thing too. Baby Sue- They make them meaner in New Orleans. Adnan.org - Great design, mediocre content. The Computer Vet - Promises not to neuter your hard drive. Delicate Barbican - The wildly personal blog I would never write. The Darkroom RetouchPRO - Offers photos to retouch and the community reviews them. Not professional, but fun to try. The C Lab - Great photo lab, but kind of pricey. SoWear - Gallery and resource site for fashion photographers. Photojunkie - Photography blog with news and information for the curious photographer. Photography Tips - Don't you love it when the domain name says it all? Holga Central - Lots of information on the popular twenty dollar plastic medium format camera. Photo District News - Profiles and contests on the cutting edge of photography. For Writers and Readers One Word- You'll see a word. You have sixty seconds to write about it. Read what everyone else wrote. All Consuming - What the web is reading. Create your own reading lists. Good Use - NYC-based literary journal. Writer's Market - Online version of the industry standard for seeking out editors and publishers. For pay. Project Guttenberg - The Web's Library. Hollywoodland Slayage- The Online International Journal of Buffy Studies. Drew's Script-O-Rama - Want to read the shooting script for Serpico? Screenplays online. Screenwriter's Utopia - Doesn't quite live up to its name, but a great resource for script news. Writer's Guild of America, East - Screenwriter's union. Register your scripts here before sending them out. Visual Arts Artcyclopedia - Search all museum websites at once for info on artwork and artists. ArtMuseum.net - Online home for many virtual exhibitions staged by major art institutions. Douglas Kelly Show List - List of gallery openings in New York City. Gallery Guide - Just that. Info on shows and galleries in the U.S. Art Forum - Art news. If You're a New Yorker The New York City Anti-Hipster Forum - Need I say more? Mr. Hipster - The flip side of the coin. Urban Hound - All you could ever want to know to keep your sophisticated Fido pleased. My puppy is here. Domino's Quik Order - Get your crappy pizza online. Craigslist: New York - Apartments, jobs, stuff and love: Indispensable. St.John the Divine Events- Upcoming events at the world's largest cathedral. Citysearch New York - Restaurant reviews and upcoming events. NYC Government Portal - Bureaucracy in action. Flavorpill - Weekly listings of hot events in the city. Causes Inclusive Scouting - America's finest youth program is tarnishing its image through discrimination. The Black Cross Collective - Medical advice for the would-be protester. Learn what to do when pepper-sprayed. Performance The Art Party - Alan Cumming's multidisciplinary art group. Symphonyspace - Uptown venue for film, readings, dance and music. Spin Cycle - Downtown shows and nightlife.< Burning Man - Arts festival in Nevada each August. The Writer's Guild - Union for playwrights. The Playwrighting Seminars - Have used this site as a reference since my very first play. Covers all the basics and then some. Crass Consumerism J- List - Get cool shit from Japan. Home of the Hello Kitty vibrator. Deal News - Hand picked bargains. AndyCo. - The most important corporation. Ever. Derelict Clothing - Arty T's, hoodies and ties. Things I'm Currently Researching MesoAmerican Deities MesoAmerican Civilizations Guilty Pleasures Widen Your World - Dedicated to Walt Disney World attractions that are either gone or never happened. AstroJem - Johanna Ellen Corn is my preferred source for signs from the stars. Mason Morse Ranches - I want to own a ranch one day. Just like Dubya. Only on my ranch, we'll name the horses after Communists. Giddyup Trotsky! Recipe Resource - Want to know how to make lobster bisque?

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