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Japhydex- Your Personal Web Portal
I will be updating a little less frequently in the next few weeks as I get Japhygrant.com up to its new and expanded form. In the meantime, check out the annotated Japhydex- essentially a listing of sites that I like and are relevant. Happy surfing!
Web Design Toolbox
Jeffrey Zeldman Presents - Blog with tons of useful information on all things web designish.
Friday Five - Five new questions to answer on your blog each Friday. Save yourself from coming up with new content.
Computer Arts Online - UK-based site with loads of information and tutorials for web, digital imaging and animation.
Webmonkey - Tutorials and guides to making your site better than mine.
CNet - The hardware and software review site.
The Media
BBC - Not just Fawlty Towers.
China Daily - English news from China.
Jerusalem Post - Biased MidEast News.
The Atlantic - Lefty in-depth analysis.
Japan Times - English news with a tendency towards weird humour.
New York Times - The Grey Lady of Journalism.
The New Yorker - Oh so very urbane.
Arts & Letters Daily - Arts news and reviews from world-wide sources all in one place.
The Moscow Times - English news from democratic Muscovy.
Alternative Press
Blogcritics - Snooty group of bloggers throw in their two cents on the latest music, books and video.
NYC IndyMedia Center- Community based participatory news.
Salon - THE independent news site. Crappy new subscription policy.
The Village Voice - 10 pages of hard hitting journalism, 30 pages of trendy fluff and 100 pages of sex ads.
On the Rail - News for foodies.
The Whole Earth Magazine - Crunchie granola lovin'.
The Modern Age- photos, concert reviews and coverage of NYC's indie rock scene. Nominated for a Bloggie!
The Art of The Mix - A site dedicated to dedicated mix tape and cd enthusiasts. Make your own concept albulm!
The Posse
Flying Vicar Musings
So Much Modern Time
The Modern Age
Daryl Lang
Hottest Chick Ever
Matthew Barela
Peter Rosa
Subversive penguin and the arizona asphault
Kristin Schubert
Who I Read
Andrew Sullivan - Everyone loves a histrionic gay conservative.
Sir Ian McKellen - But not as much as they love Gandalf.
Mark Simpson - Coined the term "metrosexual".
Little. Yellow. Different. -I promise there will be some straight people on this list. Honest.
Neil Gaiman - Creator of The Sandman and all around mythopoetic expert. Also married. To a woman. See!
How to Be Hip - While not answering the question, leads by example.
Katherine Hall - Katie linked to me, I don't why, but her blog is pretty cool.
Trabaca - An NYU student in Paris.
Greg.org - About making movies, making art- great site for filmmakers.
Zaccan's Xanga Site - Live from Japan- a friend of Jill.
NYU Web Log Portal - Doesn't seem to be updated, but a good smattering of NYU student blogs to be found.
Agent #1 - Pretty, witty and yeah, that other thing too.
Baby Sue- They make them meaner in New Orleans.
Adnan.org - Great design, mediocre content.
The Computer Vet - Promises not to neuter your hard drive.
Delicate Barbican - The wildly personal blog I would never write.
The Darkroom
RetouchPRO - Offers photos to retouch and the community reviews them. Not professional, but fun to try.
The C Lab - Great photo lab, but kind of pricey.
SoWear - Gallery and resource site for fashion photographers.
Photojunkie - Photography blog with news and information for the curious photographer.
Photography Tips - Don't you love it when the domain name says it all?
Holga Central - Lots of information on the popular twenty dollar plastic medium format camera.
Photo District News - Profiles and contests on the cutting edge of photography.
For Writers and Readers
One Word- You'll see a word. You have sixty seconds to write about it. Read what everyone else wrote.
All Consuming - What the web is reading. Create your own reading lists.
Good Use - NYC-based literary journal.
Writer's Market - Online version of the industry standard for seeking out editors and publishers. For pay.
Project Guttenberg - The Web's Library.
Slayage- The Online International Journal of Buffy Studies.
Drew's Script-O-Rama - Want to read the shooting script for Serpico? Screenplays online.
Screenwriter's Utopia - Doesn't quite live up to its name, but a great resource for script news.
Writer's Guild of America, East - Screenwriter's union. Register your scripts here before sending them out.
Visual Arts
Artcyclopedia - Search all museum websites at once for info on artwork and artists.
ArtMuseum.net - Online home for many virtual exhibitions staged by major art institutions.
Douglas Kelly Show List - List of gallery openings in New York City.
Gallery Guide - Just that. Info on shows and galleries in the U.S.
Art Forum - Art news.
If You're a New Yorker
The New York City Anti-Hipster Forum - Need I say more?
Mr. Hipster - The flip side of the coin.
Urban Hound - All you could ever want to know to keep your sophisticated Fido pleased. My puppy is here.
Domino's Quik Order - Get your crappy pizza online.
Craigslist: New York - Apartments, jobs, stuff and love: Indispensable.
St.John the Divine Events- Upcoming events at the world's largest cathedral.
Citysearch New York - Restaurant reviews and upcoming events.
NYC Government Portal - Bureaucracy in action.
Flavorpill - Weekly listings of hot events in the city.
Inclusive Scouting - America's finest youth program is tarnishing its image through discrimination.
The Black Cross Collective - Medical advice for the would-be protester. Learn what to do when pepper-sprayed.
The Art Party - Alan Cumming's multidisciplinary art group.
Symphonyspace - Uptown venue for film, readings, dance and music.
Spin Cycle - Downtown shows and nightlife.<
Burning Man - Arts festival in Nevada each August.
The Writer's Guild - Union for playwrights.
The Playwrighting Seminars - Have used this site as a reference since my very first play. Covers all the basics and then some.
Crass Consumerism
J- List - Get cool shit from Japan. Home of the Hello Kitty vibrator.
Deal News - Hand picked bargains.
AndyCo. - The most important corporation. Ever.
Derelict Clothing - Arty T's, hoodies and ties.
Things I'm Currently Researching
MesoAmerican Deities
MesoAmerican Civilizations
Guilty Pleasures
Widen Your World - Dedicated to Walt Disney World attractions that are either gone or never happened.
AstroJem - Johanna Ellen Corn is my preferred source for signs from the stars.
Mason Morse Ranches - I want to own a ranch one day. Just like Dubya. Only on my ranch, we'll name the horses after Communists. Giddyup Trotsky!
Recipe Resource - Want to know how to make lobster bisque?
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