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Arab News Agency Now in English
Al Jazeera, the CNN of the Middle East, has launched an English version of its website. Claiming to be "objective and balanced news coverage and analysis", I include the link here simply because much of the footage that U.S. networks are using are coming from this source, which while biased, has access that American "embed" reporters don't have. They also have a fairly good article on how it seems a wee bit hypocritical for Bush to claim that Iraq is violating Geneva accords by showing American P.O.W.'s on TV, when U.S. media outlets have been showing Iraqi P.O.W's over and over again.
That said, there are articles posted that show both U.S. and Iraqi dead and the site is quite graphic. I'm of two minds about it- certainly I deplore anything which exploits the death of anyone, be they Iraqi or American, but if some feel it is right to co-opt images of the World Trade Center collapsing and the faces of those who died for their own political purposes and agendas, maybe the sight of a dead soldier or civilian, regardless of their nationality will embolden us, and by "us", I mean, humanity, to seek out a world in which conflict can be solved without bloodshed. Go here for Al Jazeera on the web
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