
japhy unplugged : taylor mack just did the most amazing version of dont worry be happy. An explanation: His name is really spelled Taylor Mac. He performed "Don't Worry, Be Happy" dressed completely in white, blood smeared across his skin, his head sticking out with tampons like a multi-fused bomb. It's been a long time since I've watched something with my jaw on the floor. As he sang the chorus, he went from utter monotone to sing song as his face litteraly fractured into a perverse smile. As he turned the "Don't worry" anthem into a staccatto gunshot ("D-D-D-D-D-on't Worry!") I knew ( and the audience knew) they had seen something truly remarkable. When Flotilla DeBarge gives you credit three times during her own set, you know you're onto something big. The place to see this and more is Queen Size, hosted by The World Famous *BOB*, Friday nights at The Slide/Marquee, right on Bowery and 4th Street, next to Marion's. Next week is *BOB*'s birthday. Jackie Beat will be there. You be there, too.

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