
Shamless parodies are fun! Japhy's Believe It...You Ho. Optimus Prime, Commander of the Autobots, is in the Middle East now, fighting with the U.S. against Iraq. The Pentagon even sent him a letter saying that they feel safer with him on their side.Believe it...You Ho. While Turkey says it refuses to join the "coalition of the willing" and allow the U.S. to station troops there because they oppose the war, Turkey is sending 20,000 Turkish troops into Iraq---to claim it for themselves! Believe it...You Ho. If we go to red alert under the Homeland Security Threat System, all highways will close and you will not be permitted to leave your homes! Believe it...You Ho. As Baghdad is being bombed, one young Iraqi man inside the city continues to update his blog. Some people thought it might have just been CIA propoganda, but even skeptics believe that he is for real- and blogging away while war engulfs his nation. Believe It...You Ho.

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