New Yorkers For Democracy
Hello there gentle readers. I know some of you have expressed some concern that Japhyjunket has not been regular as of late (though, rest assured, Japhy has been), but what with all the work I've been doing for the new site, as well as my other more pressing projects, I just haven't had the chance.
Of course, I am spending most of my free time lately fighting terrorism. "What's that?", you say. "Japhy, you're from New York City. A stronghold of UnAmerican sentiment. New Yorkers are a treasonous lot! How can YOU- a New Yorker, be fighting terrorism?"
Never mind that. It's classified. However, to prove you wrong, oh cynical reader, I recently asked some other New Yorkers what they are doing to stand up for the good ole' red, white and blue. Here are a few responses from some apple-pie-loving Manattanites:
Sam Bennet, Upper West Side
"I've taken up eyeing my neighbor suspiciously. Not for any real reason, but I like to think that my judgmental glances help keep him on the straight and narrow path of Democracy."
Chris Duncan, Chelsea
"Well, I for one, see those poor boys in my subway station everyday and my heart- it just goes out to them. You know the ones I'm referring to, those nice gentlemen with the M-16's. Thank George for our boys in green! Of course, if I were a terrorist, I would just dress up in a uniform and demand to be let in to the highest building I could find, what with everyone so kowtowed and unquestioning of any kind of authority. Of course, I'm not a terrorist because I'm white."
Kim-sun Park, Lower East Side
"With crocheting all the rage among the smart set, I've taken up making Liberty blankets (
ed. note: She is referring, of course, to afghans) and selling them to high end retail boutiques. They come in a set of five: one each in green, blue, yellow, orange and red. That way you can have one for each level of the Homeland Security Threat System and wake up each morning knowing just how alert you need to be."
Sumer Al-Balji, Midtown
"I stay in. A lot."
Dorothy B. Rosa, West Village
"I'm quite proud to be doing nothing whatsoever. You know, when someone brings up war or civil liberties, I patriotically let my eyes glaze over and think about something else, usually a reality TV show I saw recently. I know, nothing makes our brave politicians and bureaucrats more pleased than a complacent populace. I'm doing my best to be uniformed and uninvolved, because with my silence, I'm helping our noble El Presidente and his cadre do whatever they damn well please. It's the American thing to do."
posted by Japhy at 3/12/2003 12:45:00 AM
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