Adam Superstar
I'd like to tell you all a story about a young man named
Adam. I have known Adam for a few years now and on the whole, he's mainly irritated me. Adam has an intensity that kind of makes you want to run screaming. He also happens to have a terrible- I mean, terrible, love life, which he wants to tell everyone about. The combination, of course, is just what we want in a *pop star*, which is what Adam wants to be more than anything and he'll tell you this every chance he can get.
What Adam does have is a huge amount of drive. I have seen him do just about every shitty job there is to do in the entertainment biz here in New York and he manages to take each job seriously and put all of his commitment into it. He doesn't come from the greatest of childhood's and perhaps what irritates people most about Adam is that he continually believes in his success when it seems that the cards are so ludicrously stacked against him.
This is why I admire Adam Barta. This is why, despite his nonsensical IM's about Buffy, I respect him. It is also, in my opinion, the secret to his success: He's never once considered himself, unsuccesful. His single,
I Told Her, is now available. Listen to it
posted by Japhy at 10/22/2003 05:37:00 PM
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