Craig & Me Update
In which Craig Newmark shows his love for the little guy
Earlier this week, I wrote craigslist founder, Craig Newmark about a problem I was having regarding Craigslist, which he has described as " a place for people to get a break". I placed an ad for a casting call and offered one dollar as renumeration (in addition to a video tape/transportation and food) to fufill the craigslist requirement that all jobs be paying jobs. My ad was refused. What I wanted to know: What's the minimum amount needed to get me on Craigslist. I never got a satisfactory answer and wrote an entry (see below). Craig saw it and wrote me back. What follows is the whole email conversation, unedited, between me and craigslist founder, Craig Newmark.
Craig writes:
I'm not entirely happy with this [ie: the entry I wrote] , since it's very unfair, but I don't know
how to show you otherwise.
are you actually listening to either Geoff or myself?
our policies are based on what thousands of people have told us. You seem
to think that your priorities are more important than everyone else's.
What am I missing?
Japhy writes:
Well, see, that's rather the whole point. I asked Geoff what the policy was. The policy on the craiglist board is that it must be a "paying" job. I offered a dollar. I was then told that it was "minimum wage", but the vast majority of paying jobs are not minimum wage at all. All I really wanted was a clear answer as to what the policy was. The film/TV/theatre community is an odd duck. People work for reels or doughnuts all the time and do so willingly. Not all payment is cash- it's contacts and networking. Look at a copy of Backstage or any casting paper and you'll see "reel" as payment. Craigslist COULD be a great resource for these kind of jobs, but instead if you peruse the film/tv/ section it's all ads for various softcore porn stuff. This still isn't the point. All I want to know is how much does craigslist consider to be a minimum? Why can't I get a straight answer? I think it's unfair to tell someone, even if it's a free site, that if they aren't getting the help they need, they should "just wait a few days" seems antithetical to what craigslist is about.
Craig writes:
Japhy, get serious, $1 is not paying.
You got a straight answer.
How about getting reasonable.
Japhy writes:
So- then I ask again, what is "pay"? I'm a frikken college student trying to cast a student film and you're essentially dictating to me how much I have to pay my actors when I know that they'll work for a reel. I'm not trying to screw anyone over- talk to anyone in the entertainment industry. Regardless, tell me how much Craig Newmark wishes me to pay my actors and I will list that amount so I can get an ad up on his board.
Craig writes:
I think Geoff already answered that, please review, or ask, nicely.
Japhy writes:
Dear Mr. Newmark-
I am a teensy bit confused as to craigslist definition of "pay". While you mentioned that Geoff has already told me what that policy is, I simply can not seem to find it anywhere. If it is "mimimum wage" then why are there so many other ads up that do not offer it? I know you are a busy man, so all I ask is that you answer this one simple question: "How does craigslist define what 'pay' is?"
Japhy Grant
Craig writes:
Japhy, how about using some common sense? That works for millions,
If there are problematic ads of any sort, please flag, or post the URLs in
Japhy writes:
Dear Mr. Newmark-
Thank you very much for refusing to answer my question. I would also like to thank you for insulting me. Repeatedly. I am writing to tell you that I have decided to place an ad, which I will pay for, in Backstage magazine for my Lesbian Love Tragedy version of Othello. I will, as many filmmakers, not offer any payment to my actors, but will provide a reel of their work and transportation as is the custom in my clearly non-common sense oriented world. It is a shame that I could not use Craigslist to place this advertisement. I stand by my belief that if you offer a resource to the public, you are responsible for their questions and inquiries regarding it. That I have asked the same question now, fifteen times (I counted) and not recieved an answer is not a sign of my lack of common sense, but yours.
-Japhy Grant
Craig writes:
Japhy, I'd sure appreciate either 1) if you'd commence an honest approach,
or 2) approach this as an adult.
Japhy stops writing and contemplates starting Japhyslist.
To top it all off, Craig recently wrote this on his blog: "We're not sure what people usually do various business situations, so we plunge ahead. Sometimes we do get into trouble, but usually, it works out well for all concerned. That is, we try to do the right thing, and it works for everyone, particularly as part of the
"culture of trust" that's very important to us. "
posted by Japhy at 10/12/2003 09:12:00 PM
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