
The Most Pompous Thing I Have Ever Done Yet. Quizilla is like Old Faithful, only for quizzes, instead of geothermically superheated steam. Every week or so a new "Must Do" quiz comes out. Since I've written before about my dislike of academic jargonism (which has nothing to do with real intellectual inquiry), I thought it would be fun to take the What 20th Century Theorist are You? Quiz. The Result: HASH(0x85624e0)
I am Jacques Derrida! I founded
Deconstructionism in 1966, and have been a
thorn in people's sides ever since. I argue
that texts cannot be reduced to a single
meaning, among other things. I am dense,
impenetrable, and not dead. I was kinda hoping for Noam Chomsky.
brought to you by Quizilla

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