
505! If we were all a little bit smarter, we would all live in Albuquerque. Here is a city with video stores that proudly refuse to carry Jerry Bruckheimer so that there's more room for their Fassbinder collection. Stroll up Central, a revitalized portion of neon-lined Route 66, and you'll see vintage camera shops, a cinema showing a film noir festival, a cafe that gives free internet access to its customers, art galleries and a gay club with a volleyball court in the back. Everything costs half of what it does in New York and the girls and boys dress like hipsters without, you know, the brooding pretentious and debilitating angst. It's sunny here, so we could all have tans, and while it does get hot- as anyone will tell you, it's a dry heat. I haven't even mentioned the Indian casinos, green chiles, Baloon Fiestas or Tinkertown. Alright, now I have. Albuquerque remains my favorite undiscovered gem of a city. Everybody- move there: Now.

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