japhyjunket |
Postcards from the Center
Well, I've been on the road now for enough time that I don't know just how long on the road I've actually been. I'm in Dallas now, a city which, by virtue of being near another city (Fort Worth) has been given the high-fallutin' nickname, "The Metroplex", which, to me, sounds like something out of a Robocop movie. I've been wildly busy shooting all kinds of people all over the South and this constant interviewing has made it extremely easy for me to go up and meet people, something which normally, causes me to break out into hives. In New Orleans, I found myself chatting up everyone on Bourbon Street: " So how long have you been a voodoo crack dealer?...Really, and how did that make you feel when your mother tried to burn you alive?" Life's become a Barbara Walters Special.
The biggest shock of all, so far has been the poverty. Oh sure, we have homeless people in New York, but at least they can read or sleep on the Times. No such luck in Dixie. I was shooting a barn and the farmer cae out and started talking to me, asking what I was doing. After telling him I was shooting a documentary, he nodded and said, "Yeah, sure are a lot of poor people to film out here." I blushed with shame, but looking back, I'm still not sure he said it with bitterness.
Anyrate, I must go shoot the wild world of Dallas gamers now, so I'll talk to you all soon. I'm having fun and my hair is, mercifully, growing back.
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