I'm a Hipster, You're a Hipster, Aren't You Gonna Read 'A Confederacy of Dunces' Too?
Whilst browsing through
Amazon (Notice my wishlist in the sidebar. Buy me things.) I came across one of those little guides that Amazon gets members to make because they're too cheap to create content themselves.
This Amazon.com list gets right to the point.
So You'd Like to... Be A Hipster Artfag. Would I ever!
Aside from pegging the artfag down as "the hipper-than-thou indie elite clad in pseudo-vintage clothes that cost more than your average used car" who drinks "le bier du jour (Pabst Blue Ribbon or Stella Artois)", the list of must reads and hears is pretty dead on.
I'll proudly say I've read most of
waitingforgoulet's list. Hell, I recommend
The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle all the time and I think Matthew Barney is cool because he is overhyped.
That this list is essentially a compendium of stuff I've seen or have seen my friends read is not so much sad, as proof.
Since the very core of being a hipster is to be jaded to all things "cool", and since hipster bashing is cool, I'm going to pronounce that it's okay to love hipsters again. Especially cuz Billyburg's two-thousand miles from where I sit.
Anyone got a Lucky Strike?
posted by Japhy at 7/15/2004 01:00:00 PM
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