British Fads!
In my continuing internationally flavored Olympic coverage (Hurray for the rest of the world!) I bring you a brief list of fads from the other side of the pond (ie: Great Britain, Merry Olde England, The Mother Country, Gitville). Like snaggle teeth and royal bottom slapping, expect to see them here soon.
Doing "the Lynndie" - You remember America's Little Torture Sweetheart, Lynndie England, right? Turns out actual people
from England have turned her signature move- pointing out a tortured victims genatalia with "hey baby" hands, into something of a dance craze. Seriously. Look at this. It's funny.
Cuddle Parties- The Gaurdian claims that this fad's origins began in New York, which strikes me as some kind of anti-American smear tactic at best. That New Yorkers would invent "an event for adults to come together to practise welcomed touch and affectionate play and not have it be sexualised" is well, ludicrous. In fact, if you were to even invite a New Yorker to such an event the best you could hope for is that they would throw up on you in disgust. They would then take you drinking and leave you three days later in an alleyway in the Bronx with blood-stained panties and a maxed out credit card. I mean, for chrissakes, New York is a city that is rolling out "
alcohol misters" to get the booze into the bloodstream faster. God.
Cuddle parties? Fuck you Britain.
Ephemera- The Ephemera Society of London is dedicated to the preservation of "the minor transitory documents of everyday life". What this means is that they like collecting things like train tickets (handwritten) and Certificates of Appreciation. Why? I have no bloody idea, but apparantley it's popular. Perhaps this is what lost empires do in their twilight years- after cataloguing and classifying every mammal, kind of soil and indigenous population on Earth, all that national taxonomic fervor must go somewhere- like
Barbara Davies First Class Brownie Certificate
posted by Japhy at 8/21/2004 01:47:00 PM
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