japhyjunket |
Goodbye #1
Hey there Constant Reader-
If you've been watching this blog lately, you've noticed a few things:
1.) It is infrequently updated. (not really news, I realize)
2.) I keep talking about how it's going to shut down soon.
3.) I am randomly adding features, while other features go unfixed. The "Japhy" logo has remained obscured by the Blogger bar for months now, I know.
4.) I am very pretty.
Well folks, it's happening. This is not the LAST post ever on Japhyjunket (that'll be on January 31st of next year, killing my baby on its third birthday), but it's one of the last. How come, you ask? Well- a few reasons.: I've been awfully busy, editing all day long in my day job as Editor-In-Chief of Cybersocket Web Magazine and then go home and work on scripts and also, I want to end Japhyjunket before I get bored with it.
So what happens now? Well, the irony here is that you're going to get more of me than ever.
I'm just not telling you where yet.
When the dust settles I will edit and write on a few different blogs, which I will be sharing with other very talented writers. This means no more sitting around for two weeks waiting for me to post. In addition I've decided it'd be fun to do the kind of blog that I always bitch about: where I talk about my day, update whenever, do my best vividblurry imitation (though with less porn and bitchiness). I'll update that site whenever I damn please and of course will probably do far better than any of the carefully planned out ventures I'm working on now.
Japhyjunket will be edited, revised and cleaned up and will probably be published in print in some form or another.
Thanks to everyone who encouraged me over the years. Japhyjunket was my playground, sandbox and therapist's office all in one. Now, it's time for the big leagues.
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