japhyjunket |
Today I'm kinda proud of myself. How come, you ask? Well, I had a very productive day. I filed much paperwork at my new alma mater (I pray), Brooklyn College. I scheduled a photo shot, worked with some of my oh-so-charming clients and on the whole was awfully productive today. However none of these things really fill me with much pride. What makes me happy about me this day are:
- Having finally figured out a good archiving system for all my artsy shit (before they all went in a folder labeled...artsy shit). I'm even investing in a portfolio.
- I started work on a short story that I'm kind of fond of. It's about a hateful lesbian I once knew.
- After years of not getting L.J's taste in music, I suddenly find myself all about southern booty music. Well, really, just Mystikal, but still. (L.J's my former roomie and all 'round badass livin' in the Big Easy)
- I am running out of Haruki Murakami novels to read. In fact, I started my last one, "Dance, Dance, Dance" today. I have to get Jill to start translating more of them for me.
- After looking over my months of blogs, not a one of them has ever sunk into the world of insipid moralizing or pseudo-profoundness that other blogs are so want to do...although I am guilty of one (and now forever more, only one) pithy self-affirmation entry.
Tommorow- I'm off to David LaChapelle's new gallery opening...and I'm actually invited, as opposed to crashing all the other gallery opening I've attended.
Read more! (in beta) 7.11.2002
It's 1 a.m. and I'm writing this blog for Jill. Why? Because Jill is the only person who reads my blog, so I write all my blogs for her. Really though, writing for Jill alone is enough for me. I remember that time in high school she got me a little karate bear for my 17th birthday party. Gee, that was swell.
In other news, I saw Neil Gaiman today. He's really charming and British and signed my book, "Dear Japhy, I spell it asphalt. Best wishes." Honestly though, he was great and read from "Coraline" and answered questions about all the movies in development that are based on his books. He also stands by his claim that the comic book industry is like the Dutch tulip industry and believes that story and great writing will win out any day.
Also, I have a story about Bengladeshi cab drivers to tell all of you, but I'm far too tired now to tell it. Instead I'll go talk to Jill some more.
Jill Quinn, You visit many shrines Shinto
Jill Quinn, I'd like a Ford Pinto
Jill Quinn, According to the Surgeon General's Warning, woman should not drink alcoholic beverages during pregnancy becauseof the risk of birth defects
Jill Quinn, I'll beat you, Beat You, BEAT YOU!
Thank you...and goodnight.
Read more! (in beta) 7.08.2002
Andy Hicks has a blog.
Once upon a time, I wrote about truth, justice, wild sex and freedom. Now, I just get down and nasty with Andy Hicks, my passive agressive rival from high school.
Or so we thought!
After much goading, Andy has not taken up the bait. Sure, there are the snide references to NYC on his blog...and he changed his link to my site to read 'stupid jeff orlinski...', but otherwise, it's been pretty much a bust. So, this will be my last diss on Andy.
BTW Andy, you spelled asphalt wrong in your blog title.
My new high school rival is Aaron Stanford, star of 'Tadpole' and soon to be seen as Pyro in the new X-Men flick. The reasonings for this are such:
He played opposite my German teacher in Equus.
We had the same acting coach.
I know him in a non Westford sorta way.
He's more famous than Andy.
So, goodbye Andy. For now on, I will ride on someone elses coattails to fame! You just didn't cut it as my High School rival. So sorry.
Read more! (in beta)
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