Jerry's Kids Love Japhy. So Should You!
Welcome back folks! I'm proud to announce that
The Get Japhy His Clie Back Fund is more than a third of the way to its 300 dollar goal! Thanks to generous contributors who value the prose and puns of Japhy, his Clie is well on the way to becoming a reality! However, we still have a ways to go and we need your support...your support in greenbacks, that is.
For those of you who don't know how to scroll down the page, Japhy lost his Clie in tragic circumstances and needs your help!
Don't take my word for it, though. Here's celebrity philanthropist Jerry Lewis, here to tell you more:
Freunleven Mister Blogger Reader Man! Japhy's Clie is serious business. He travels and moves about so often that without it, he forgets where to be, what to do and who to call. He's notoriously disorganized and without it, he spends his days being absolutely nutty. And I know nutty! Bwahhahaha! That's why I have cancelled my annual telethon to help out kids with muscular dystrophy, so that those dollars can go to Japhy. The kids, well- I know they look cute, but they're really brats. Drooling all over my lapels! Freunleven! Give the money to Japhy, instead. Guffaw Guffaw!
Thank you Jerry. Remember, every person who donates money to the Fund receives a poem, especially written for them, created by Japhy himself! Don't delay! Think about how much Japhyjunket means to you. Great blogs like this take energy and resources to create. Show your appreciation now by clicking the button below and donating to
The Get Japhy His Clie Back Fund. Even a dollar will get Japhy closer to his dream. Think of the children. Help Japhy out. You'll be glad you did.
posted by Japhy at 8/18/2003 01:06:00 PM
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