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I Am Now a Song Title
This is one of those things that defy description. WBCN DJ and former "high school rival" Andy Hicks has composed a song called "The Japhy Grant Experience", available for download at his site. If you had happened to download my audblog audio post a while back, you may recognize some of the lyrics. Honestly, I'll have to say it's not exactly the runaway pop hit I always dreamed of becoming- It's the kind of song you would expect to be playing in a gay dance club in a late nineties romantic comedy (or ya know, "Queer as Folk" circa 2003). Of course, this might be Andy'sgoal (he is my "rival", ya know!), but it's really pretty funny, I come off as Canadian, and now I know the warm fuzzies Moby felt when Eminem name-checked him. Really though, I'm just smitten to death, right now. He finally got my name right! What Andy really needs to do now is play the single on 'BCN. I smell the makings of a cult classic.
Read more! (in beta) 3.29.2003
At 12:01 tonight (Saturday- technically Sunday) it will be illegal to smoke in bars, restaraunts, or most other places in New York. Smoking will be a thing of the past in our fair city and bars will be filled with air as clean as a mountain glade. Yeah, right. You can fill our subway stations with machine-gun equipped soldiers, tell us to stock up on duct tape and take away our rights to speak out, but to paraphrase the great Moses- "From my cold cancer-ridden, dead body." Thank you Mr. Bloomberg for making smoking cool again.
Read more! (in beta) 3.28.2003
japhy unplugged : taylor mack just did the most amazing version of dont worry be happy.
An explanation: His name is really spelled Taylor Mac. He performed "Don't Worry, Be Happy" dressed completely in white, blood smeared across his skin, his head sticking out with tampons like a multi-fused bomb. It's been a long time since I've watched something with my jaw on the floor. As he sang the chorus, he went from utter monotone to sing song as his face litteraly fractured into a perverse smile. As he turned the "Don't worry" anthem into a staccatto gunshot ("D-D-D-D-D-on't Worry!") I knew ( and the audience knew) they had seen something truly remarkable. When Flotilla DeBarge gives you credit three times during her own set, you know you're onto something big. The place to see this and more is Queen Size, hosted by The World Famous *BOB*, Friday nights at The Slide/Marquee, right on Bowery and 4th Street, next to Marion's. Next week is *BOB*'s birthday. Jackie Beat will be there. You be there, too.
Read more! (in beta) 3.24.2003
Arab News Agency Now in English
Al Jazeera, the CNN of the Middle East, has launched an English version of its website. Claiming to be "objective and balanced news coverage and analysis", I include the link here simply because much of the footage that U.S. networks are using are coming from this source, which while biased, has access that American "embed" reporters don't have. They also have a fairly good article on how it seems a wee bit hypocritical for Bush to claim that Iraq is violating Geneva accords by showing American P.O.W.'s on TV, when U.S. media outlets have been showing Iraqi P.O.W's over and over again.
That said, there are articles posted that show both U.S. and Iraqi dead and the site is quite graphic. I'm of two minds about it- certainly I deplore anything which exploits the death of anyone, be they Iraqi or American, but if some feel it is right to co-opt images of the World Trade Center collapsing and the faces of those who died for their own political purposes and agendas, maybe the sight of a dead soldier or civilian, regardless of their nationality will embolden us, and by "us", I mean, humanity, to seek out a world in which conflict can be solved without bloodshed. Go here for Al Jazeera on the web
Read more! (in beta) ![]() Read more! (in beta) ![]() Read more! (in beta) 3.21.2003
![]() Read more! (in beta) Channel Surfing- 1:50pm
NY1: Nightscope view of Baghdad. "You just pray and hope..."
CBS: Nightscope view of Baghdad. "Well, Baghdad is burning, at least parts of it."
TNT: Jimmie Smitz interrogating a suspect. "So you want to take a minute?"
NBC: Regular video of Baghdad. "They're going to look around and see that a lot of things dear to them are gone."
Fox: Nightscope view of Baghdad. "There are really two parts of it: The main element of the Republican Gaurd and the Special Republican Gaurd."
C-Span: Rep. David Dreier. "What it's all about is taxes."
ABC: Regular video of Baghdad. "This must be one of the most terrifying moments that an infantryman could go through."
UPN: Fox News Feed of Nightscope view of Bhaghdad. " They say that this is not really the beginning, that when it happens, we'll know it."
WB: Split screen between talking head...and nightscope view of Baghdad. "President Saddam Hussein has not been seen in uniform for almost two years."
PBS: Talking Head. "He needs for hundreds of millions of people across the world protesting in the streets. He really thinks that will happen."
MNN: Chinese Guy doing Tai Chi. "All the excercises are done in twelve reps."
WLIW: BBC News Feed of Baghdad nightscope. "British troops are now involved in the growing ground assault."
TBS: Urkyll tied to a playground dome with garden house duct taped to him. "Look, now the park has a fountain!"
UNI: Regular video of Baghdad. "Deseo funcionar con qué ahora está sucediendo."
And as full out war breaks out, you'll have to excuse a little religion:
The Prayer of St. Francis
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
Where there is sadness, joy.
0h divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
To be consoled as to console,
To be understood as to understand,
To be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive;
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
It is in dying to self that we are born to eternal life.
*I'm not super religious, but it's good advice, regardless of whatever faith you might be.
*bunnies and sex to follow.
Read more! (in beta) 3.19.2003
A Rant
For lack of any better term
Well, bloody hell- seems Japhyjunket has become a weekly blog. Blarg. Actually, there's a few reasons for all this. First off, after staying out too late at John Cameron Mitchell's middle school inspired soiree last week, I caught the flu. I blame it entirely on John, of course :-) In any event, I was all excited when my symptoms turned out to be a dry heavy cough, fever and extreme fatigue. I was hoping to give you Japhyjunket readers an exclusive account of the first American case of that weird Asian bug, but alas, it turned out I had nothing more than a little case of Pre-War-Anxiety-Syndrome and with President Bush's speech nearly two days ago, I, just like the stock market, recovered nicely.
Yes, even my excuses are ripped from the headlines.
So, two hours from now, Saddam's deadline is up. Actually it's 1 hour, 11 minutes and 32 seconds from now according to Fox, which has set up a countdown ticker to scroll in the corner of your screen. They also do this for the Superbowl, the Oscars (poor red carpetless Joan "Anne Frank was a bitch. Always whining!*" and Melissa "I'm no celebrity, but I'll go to the rainforest to become one" Rivers- if ever there was a case for U.N. Aide...) and moments leading up to the latest Madonna controversies.
God, that last parenthetical statement just went on way too long, didn't it?
Really ruined my flow.
Ah, well- war. I'm going to say this once, and then I'll have had my peace: Mr. President, I am opposed to your war, even though I support military action when necessary, am against Saddam Hussein and do not believe that you are only interested in Iraq for its oil. Mr. President, I am opposed to your war, because, while we will surely win it, you have proven to the rest of the world what it fears most about the U.S.: That we are a big bully who will do whatever it wants if the rest of the world does not agree to what we demand. Your actions have convinced the people of the world that America is a loose cannon that will do whatever it pleases, whenever it pleases. I do not believe that the U.N. inspections had failed or been exhausted and while I am happy that our troops will be liberating a repressed people, I am ashamed of the road your administration has taken to get us there.
God, I liked it back when Japhyjunket's main concerns were thrashing the Dell Boy and getting drunk on Tuesdays. Stupid recession, stupid war, stupid cigarette ban, stupid Bloomberg, stupid cops, stupid rent, stupid electric bills, stupid inconsistent weather, stupid sun and stupid moon and stupid people everywhere. This is what you get for paying attention to the world. I am officially switching my Home Page from The New York Times to The Onion. I am fed up with falling buildings, bearded guys, mustachioed guys, doomsayer fish, concrete bunkers and most of all the fact that it's all brilliantly marketed by Fox. This is my youth (well, relative youth) and goddamnit, I'd like at least a little part of it to be charmingly naive!
God, I miss the Cold War.
So- for the forseeable future, Japhyjunket is gonna focus on happy things. Like bunnies. And sex.
*actual quote by Ms. Joan.
Read more! (in beta) 3.12.2003
Anti-War Sentiment Hits Home
"Give Peace a Chance" goes mainstream
With this country on the doorstep of all out war, some unlikely voices are coming out in opposition to it.
This weeks episode of The Simpsons, "Mr. Spritz goes to Washington" was startlingly political, showing the Springfield Republican party convening in a Dracula-ish manor house where the Republicans (among them, Dr. Hibbard, which in retrospect makes perfect sense) worked on their scheme to rename as many public places after Ronald Reagan as possible. The majority of the episode dealt with Krusty becoming a Congressman who, with the help of Walter Mondale and the Simpson family, finagles the system to pass a bill to reroute the air traffic flying over the Simpsons house. While the Simpsons have always been somewhat cynical, this episode was overloaded with contempt for the entire political process, showing corruption not as a thing to be thwarted, but used to your advantage. While Washington has been skewered by the Simpsons before, most notably in "Lisa's Spelling Bee", the difference here is that while "Lisa's Spelling Bee" ended in Lisa taking a stance against political corruption and standing up for The American Way, "Mr. Spritz Goes to Washington" ends with Lisa slyly paperclipping an amendment onto a bill about to be voted on.
The Beastie Boys have released their new single, "In a World Gone Mad" for free on the web. The anti-war song has lyrics comparing Bush to Zoolander, "trying to look tough for the camera " as his "midlife crisis war unfolds". Adam Horowitz explains, "This song is not an anti-American or pro-Saddam Hussein statement. This is a statement against an unjustified war." Get the song here.
Perhaps most alarming of all, George Bush Sr., speaking at Tufts University, urged his son to work with the U.N. and that the case against Saddam was “less clear” than during the Gulf War. Full details at the London Times.
Read more! (in beta) ![]() Read more! (in beta) 3.04.2003
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